Within 48 hours of your purchase, you will receive an email titled, Welcome Roots Member! Within such, will be an order form for you to choose your specific plant varieties and pick up dates. Complete and submit the order form to KnowYourRootsOhio@gmail.com
From there, you will receive a confirmation email in regards to your exact choice of 130+ plants, 3 new heirloom varieties to be added to the Roots Only Member Seed Vault (or 3 free veggie/herb/flower plants of choice) and pick up date(s) of your convenience.
Choose your favorite varieties out of each group below from our main menu and suggest up to 4 new heirlooms of your choice to add to the Roots Members Only Seed Vault.
Cool Season
Cabbage / sprouts
Cauliflower / broccoli
Root Veggies
Perennial herbs
Warm Season
Peppers / beans
Tomato / flowers
Misc. / houseplants
Annual herbs
Squash /melon